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Do not mourn a postponed tour, celebrate a fantastic new album with The Mommyheads

The Mommyheads releases their LP New Kings of Pop and tours Scandinavia in 2021

On Friday, August 14, we will release “New Kings of Pop”, a great new album with The Mommyheads. The idea was that the band would tour in Scandinavia in connection with it, but the tour is postponed until the spring of 2021. Hey, it’s two reasons to celebrate.

We are very happy and proud to release the American indie band The Mommyheads on vinyl. Last year’s Future You was a smash and the upcoming New Kings of Pop is fantastic. In connection with the release of the new album, The Mommyheads would also come to Scandinavia and conduct a tour together with Swedish band Eggstone. But as we have long feared, it simply became impossible to launch the plans under the current circumstances.

But we should not grieve over this, because there is so much to celebrate. Partly the new album, partly that the plan is for The Mommyheads to come to Scandinavia next spring instead.

Adam Elk of The Mommyheads was so happy when the first copies of the LP arrived in New York that he sent us a short video:

Adam Elk of The Mommyheads listens to the LP version of New Kings of Pop

You can help

Releasing records and trying to get attention around the music is a pretty tiring job. Above all, setbacks of this kind affect the artists, who are both extremely eager to meet their audience and are without income.

Do you want to help? There is a lot you can do. In our eyes mainly:

  1. Help yourself. Listen to The Mommyheads and dive into their music.
  2. Tell others about The Mommyheads. Give examples of your favorite songs.
  3. Buy New Kings of Pop. Go to your local record store and ask them to take the record. (If you live in a territory where we don’t have distribution, you can always order it from us.)

Is there a good playlist with The Mommyheads?

Not all records with The Mommyheads are available on the digital platforms, but many do. We have compiled a playlist if you want to have a taste of the band’s music.

Feel free to tell us what you think!

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Maria Grund’s crime novel Mortal Sin draws inspiration from Morte di Seeburg

Mortal Sin by Maria Grund - a novel inspired by Morte di Seeburg

With the album Morte di Seeburg, Robert Johnson and Punchdrunks ended a two-decade-long renewal of rock music. The final album was supposed to be a soundtrack, but the film never came true. However, it turns out that the album inspired the author Maria Grund, when she wrote the crime novel Mortal Sin.

Detective Commissioner Sanna Bergling is the name of the hero in the crime novel Mortal Sin (or Dödssynden in the original Swedish language). The book is Maria Grund‘s debut as an author. She is already a screenwriter, and has been based in New York and London. Which may explain why there has been a great deal of interest in translations of the debut book in advance. The Swedish original edition is published by the publishing house Modernista.

Already in the first chapter, Morte di Seeburg with Robert Johnson and Punchdrunks appears (in my poor translation):

She turns off the radio, turns on the old CD player, and accelerates. Robert Johnson and Punchdrunk’s “Rabbia Fuori Controllo” crackles from the speakers as farms and crofts pass by. Meadows, fields and dark forests…

If you are the publisher of the said album, it is of course a bit dizzying to see this in writing. But the album turns out to have marked Mortal Sin even more. On her Instagram account, Maria Grund herself writes:

The soundtrack for my book. Or rather, for me while I was writing the book. It meant so much to me that my favorite track on the album – Rabbia Fuori Controllo – is actually IN the book. The song is the heartbeat of my opening scene and it is was playing inside my mind as one of my main characters – Sanna Berling – came to life. But more than anything, it is incredible music. Robert Johnson and Punchdrunks are sadly no more, but they have shapeshifted into a new group – Cantona Gut System – launching new music in April. Stay tuned. Find Rabbia Fuori Controllo on Spotify!

Maria Grund on Instagram, March 18, 2020

Great fun, I think. And I can only agree, Morte di Seeburg is a masterpiece. You can find the LP here in our web shop.

Read more about Maria Grund’s book Mortal Sin (in Swedish) at Modernista.